Why Some Christians Are Deconstructing Their Faith

I started a series on faith deconstruction/reconstruction a while back and then got sidetracked by a shiny object (can’t remember what!) and the series ground to a halt. This post is intended to jump start the series and get me back into the writing process.
Rather than go back to the beginning, I thought I’d post this Twitter thread I found the other day that pretty much nails the reasons people deconstruct their faith.
You might not be on Twitter (and lately there are a lot of good reasons not to be) but this is worth reading. Just click the link at the bottom of the quote to read the complete thread. Thanks to pastor Zach W. Lambert for these thoughtful comments:
People aren't deconstructing because it's "sexy" or because they're looking for excuses to sin.
They are doing it because the Christians they've encountered and the Christianity they've been handed are so unlike Christ.
a thread 🧵
— Zach W. Lambert (@ZachWLambert) January 5, 2023
Next week, I’ll continue my own deconstruction/reconstruction story. See you then.
Next Post: Lone Ranger Christian
All Posts in this Series: A Deconstruction Observed
I look forward to reading everything you share! Thanks for putting yourself out there.
Thank you! That’s a huge encouragement to me. 🙂